Thursday, June 3, 2010

A study of four legged creatures and homes on the go.

I am surprised that I don't fall out

'Lay your head where my heart used to be. On the earth above me. Lay down in the green grass, remember when you loved me. Come closer don't be shy. Stand beneath the rainy sky. The moon is over the rise, think of me as a train goes by...'

Can you see us?

Poor, poor featherless chicken why are you crossing the road?

Family cow
Ometepe lake, Nicaragua

Different cow

Different baby cow

Now I have realized, I have taken a lot of pictures of

Oooh, here's some horses too!
Sunset Beach.
House on the sand?
Property value: $5 million

Crawling to freedom? I don't think so ;)

I'm fragile and tiny. Take care of me.

These are not rocks or pebbles. Attack of the HERMIT CRABS!!!


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